

Indonesian citizen (citizen) can be accepted into Diponegoro University students by following the selection carried out by the University of Diponegoro in accordance with the provisions of the

Foreigners (WNA) can be accepted as a student at the University of Diponegoro through selection or path of cooperation with the provisions that

Foreigners (WNA) who are interested in studying at the University of Diponegoro in a shorter period may be accepted by the cooperation between governments or between

Henceforth all the provisions of the new admissions process laid down in Decision

Status As a Student

  • A person has the status is listed as a student at the University of Diponegoro, if the person concerned has made administrative registration.
  • Administrative registration is a prerequisite for academic registration.
  • A prospective student Diponegoro University has the legal status as a student after being appointed in the new student recruitment.
  • Administrative registration can be canceled if it turns out students are not able to meet the requirements of the first stage of evaluation and second stage of evaluation.
  • All costs arising from the CTS, Student Exchange, Twinning Program and Double Degree borne by the student unless the student is getting scholarship.
  • Diponegoro University students who take the program over credit or other similar programs should be registered as a student enrolled at the University of Diponegoro.
  • Diponegoro University students are prohibited from having dual status of activities within the same academic course at the University of Diponegoro or dual status as a student, Diponegoro University and other public universities, except those following the educational program that has received approval from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Students Diponegoro University who is known to have dual status beyond that provided for in paragraph (5), are required to choose one of the faculty / department / study program, and if for one (1) half since the dual status was known, a student who has not yet declared his choice, university students concerned set to lose its status as a student at the University of Diponegoro.
  • Students from other universities who take one or more courses at the University of Diponegoro, must be registered as a guest student and subject to liability to pay the cost of education in accordance with the applicable provisions.
  • Diponegoro University students who take courses at other universities in order Credit Transfer System (CTS), Student Exchange, Twinning Program, Double Degree status as a credit transfer student.